Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What is Beauty

What is Beauty
In this century Hollywood is a big part of what people think beauty is between all the surgeries to look like celebrities or just getting a couple of nip and tucks done. Beauty can be many different things its not what is always on the outside its what is on the inside to. The reason its can be on the inside is because your outside is just an appearance what is on the inside the person and how they act carry them selves or just the personality. Also its not all about the cosmetics because make up can do pretty much anything to change what a person looks like.
Beauty is part of everyday because as much as people say that they don’t judge others by their appearance they really do. Its just something that in our society people do and will always do. I think that beauty is in everybody it doesn’t matter what they look like or how they act. Even though people have cosmetic procedures I think that the ones who do it to look like somebody else is stupid why would you not want to be your own person.
“What is Beauty? The REAL definition of a beautiful woman” 16 August 2006

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