Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cosmetology Then and Now

Cosmetology Then And Now
Cosmetology can be divided in to many different braches like: skin care, cosmetics, hair styles, hair care, beauty therapy and etc. Today all these can be studied in detail and one can become an expertise but back then things were different. “Historians say that some of these early methods of beauty treatment can be traced back to the days of the Egyptians.” Other cultures came up with other way to use cosmetology with out using chemicals that weren’t around back then they would rely on natural substances like fruits and berries. They would use these things to color their hair and put on their face to help exfoliate it for skin care. Many different looks have come and gone who knows what the future will lead to with cosmetology.
Reading this article has made me realize how much things have change with cosmetology thru the different decades. Also in the article it talks about the different cultures how they were different than the others and the other types of things that people then would use to color there hair and other skin care products they would use. Back in the earlier years it was only appropriate for royals and other popular people to color their hair and wear make up. But now it doesn’t matter who you are and things these days are more drastic then it was back then like the type of color you would color your hair now days and also people wear more make up.
Lad, Kashmira. History of Cosmetology. 7 Mar. 2009

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