Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yearly income for a Cosmetologist


My blog is about beauty. My big question is what is beauty, and it talks about and tells about it on the outside. I research different things that can make people more beautiful on the outside like cosmetics, hair, the skin, and other things to that nature. My favorite part about my blog was doin the live interaction because I did those when i was getting ready for prom and got my hair and make up done. Also another thing that I learned about when I was how much time and effort was put into haveing a career in this field.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Career Training For Cosmetology

The Career Training For Cosmetology
There are many types of programs when getting into the cosmetology field for instants as a high school juniors or senior you can go ahead and start some class for becoming a cosmetologist. Some programs can take up to sixteen months to complete or 1500 clock hours are required. After completing the course of class you have to take a state board exam and upon passing that you will receive your cosmetology license. there are many skills needed to be in this career field but “Good communication and social skills are a must in this profession.”
Choosing cosmetology as a career would be fun. Also a good thing about it is that you don’t have to go to school as long to become one you just have to go for a certain amount of hours or months. I think that becoming a cosmetologist would not be that stressful because your in a good environment and you just have to have a good personality and a positive attitude toward your clients and to other workers. Overall it would just be a good career.
Full-Time Career Training - Cosmetology

What is Beauty

What is Beauty
In this century Hollywood is a big part of what people think beauty is between all the surgeries to look like celebrities or just getting a couple of nip and tucks done. Beauty can be many different things its not what is always on the outside its what is on the inside to. The reason its can be on the inside is because your outside is just an appearance what is on the inside the person and how they act carry them selves or just the personality. Also its not all about the cosmetics because make up can do pretty much anything to change what a person looks like.
Beauty is part of everyday because as much as people say that they don’t judge others by their appearance they really do. Its just something that in our society people do and will always do. I think that beauty is in everybody it doesn’t matter what they look like or how they act. Even though people have cosmetic procedures I think that the ones who do it to look like somebody else is stupid why would you not want to be your own person.
“What is Beauty? The REAL definition of a beautiful woman” 16 August 2006

What It takes to Become a Cosmetologist

What It Takes to Become A Cosmetologist
Being a cosmetologist takes a bunch or time and practice. “A Cosmetologist is a professional who assists customers with their physical appearance”. Former training and education is required for this job you must have a high school diploma or G.E.D. Also you have to be licensed and in ordered to be licensed you must attend cosmetology classes. The length of cosmetology school can vary from nine to twenty four months. When being in this field people are very competitive about things like who did who’s hair better. But the salary for this career is not that good in 2004 it was $19,800 including tips and commission.
I think that if would be a good job to become a cosmetologist but there are a couple of things that I would want different like not having to stand up the whole time. And also for as much time as they put in this job I think that the pay is not good. And other things about becoming one for your career is that going to school for it would be fun because you don’t just sit in a classroom all day you do hands on stuff. And play around with people’s hair doing different things to it.
“Cosmetology: Summary of Educational Requirements to Become a Cosmetologist”. 2005

From Make Up Then to Now

From Make-Up Then to Now

Make-up has been made from many different things from then like copper, lead ore, that the ancient Egyptians used to create the worlds first cosmetics to now using different chemical and acids. Scientist now has created make-up that can make your eyes look different colors, to hiding pores, and smoothing out complexions. “Over the centuries, women used burnt matches to darken their eyes, berries to stain their lips and young boys' urine to fade their freckles.” Women through out history have put their health at risk with some of the different things they have tried to use for make-up.
From century to century make-up has change from the natural not much make-up to heavy and dark make-up. Make-up can be worn many different ways and help people look better or some people could wear the wrong kind of make-up and look worst. Now days the government is strict on what they can use to make these cosmetics because some things that they use to put in it can harm or irritate your skin. Also make-up these days is made more of different colors to help you find the right color for yourself and skin tones. Who knows if make up is going to go more drastic than it already is or could it tone down and go back to the more natural look.
“History of Makeup.” Skin & Beauty. 2005

Live Interaction Make Up